ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

architecture design 301 dinner

7th june 2005
7.00 pm - little Creature freo

1st time design dinner organized by my lecturers... usually after our final submission the ‘Asian’ archi n interior students will organize a party or bbq to celebrate our freedom. Everyone will drink till they don’t remember their father’s name… last year archi 大姐大Ann Suet Ling was drunk, very drunk, I wouldn’t want to explain more in this, later she will kill me. Anyway this time the coming party will be end of next week which is the first week of exam. To bad this semester I can’t attend that party, sorry guys have to go back early. Hope u guys enjoy the night n don’t let ling get crazy this time!! So u can see all the Asian students sitting together on one table, except for Kerry chong, an ang moh soul in a Chinese body, always wit her Aussie friends. Some people out there are envy us that our design lecturer n tutors are so good asking the class for dinner but we have 2 pay ourselves. One good thing about archi design tutorial is that the lecturer n tutors are like friends to us ahahah…

clock wise from top left,architecture students and the interiors join in for fun..; one of our tutors n his wife ; jessica,ling,jennifer wit their beer.. wit sasa n sulini at the back ;wing, me , arron, yew

clockwise from top left - teachin yum seng to my lecturer n ang mohs ; jennifer n aunty ling ; the table suppose to be asian only... but then they are interior international students.. so ok lah in da same ship ; sasa, maybe the last photo wit her... cos she leavin for UNSW

shouting yum sing!!! some of them are screaming!!! paisey.. all the ang mohs in the restaurant look at us


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