ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Monday, April 04, 2005

133 days ago (part 2)

That Saturday afternoon was raining. On my journey back home from the airport, I received wings SMS from Australia, asking me about Malaysia's udara (air)… I replied...Smells fishy and bad compared to Perth’s air. While replying that SMS, I just realized that Im on my WAY home!!!! damm..I had enough of shit back in hell Perth and now Im heading home, voluntary join in my family problem. scared that something bad will happen to my family and I don’t really want to face it. I ask myself, should I go back straight home or some other place, stay in Msia longer or go back 2 Australia soon after my Europe holiday ends? I was confused and don’t know what to do. No 1 can help me, if I tell ppl about it , they will like... I don't know har.
Later my instinct told me that no matter how, I must try to help my family and not getting away from it. I waited to reach home anxiously. (damm driver, drive so slow n somemore taking a longer route). Reached home around 5, so happy to see my aunty standing at the balcony welcoming me home and 1 thing is that she stayed at my house to LOOK after my family... nothing happen, my parents are ok, everything seems to be normal... Im so relieved that everything is ok, its like releasing a huge stone in to the water. Anyway at that time I got 2 days 2 prepare for my Europe tour, really can’t wait 2 get there, hoped that I will forget every thing that I gone tru bak in Australia and in Malaysia and enjoy that trip...


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