ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


23 November 2004

A day before my flight to London, I was busy with my travel documents as well as catching up with family and friends. Hardy sleep for the two nights in Malaysia and before that back in Australia, I stayed up to study for my test, it was like 4-5 days in a row, just 4-6 hours of sleeping. Well, maybe to excited to travel alone to Europe but I was quite worried about the immigration in UK. Immigration is very strict, they might send anyone back straight away if they suspect a traveler going in to work illegally or planning to stay longer, especially Asian. So, I could be one of them if I didn’t show or give reasons why I’m entering UK and proof that I’m entering for visiting purposes. Here are some tips that I learned from my mom’s friends, a travel agent and UK PR, to proof that u are going for visiting…. u need to bring CASH CASH and more CASH + credit card ... to show that u are spending or holiday’ing…huh?? Student card or enrolment advice for students and the most important thing, the way we dress, have 2 be proper and smart looking+ polite… I was like… wart da …!!!! Do we need all these to enter UK??? What if some visitor having a bad hair day? ...That night, I collected a bag which weighting about 10-15kg full with Malaysian product from Cassandra’s parents to bring over. Her parents prayed for my safety and offer me a lot of instant cereal drink to bring over. I appreciate that a lot. For me I will not fail to offer and help others, I always believe that help will come back to me when I need.

__________Courtesy of Malaysia Airline ______________snowy mountain

On da 23rd, my brother took me to the airport, was a little bit late for check in… always late for that! It was my 1st time flying 2 the west and it took approximately 13 hours… not 2 bad after all… the worse is 16 hours to LA. Not many ppl on that fight, maybe 80 to 100. Love the view from above, from desert~y India to mountainous Afghanistan, huge snowy farm land to beautiful cities and military jets just beside u … Very interesting. Another interesting part is the beds of clouds when the plane flew closer to Western Europe, unbelievably thick… can’t see thru and seriously looks like candy floss. Got off the plane and head to the immigration, an Indian lady custom calls me and some Malaysian… “Here here… come here!” Surprisingly, she starts to speak in Malay and Chinese… “lai lai… orang Malaysia? Masuk sini untuk imigrasi, sudah nulis borang? Wah… buay pai har.. never know that UK is very multicultural.. tot only ang moh working at immigration like aust. Quite a lot of Asians working as well.. got thru by asking me questions… where am i staying, where am I visiting, ask about my return tickets, n bla bla bla…., went thru, there’s a huge high platform behind, where 5-6 stern officials looking for the unlucky 1 to send back. Finally I came to the waiting hall, waiting for jwei a friend of mine to pick me up.. waited quite a while, about 20 minutes, then I decided to give him a call.. he told me that he standing at the arrival gate for 30 minutes and dint see me walking out. Maybe he can’t recognize me wit my straighten hair………


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