ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

my six weeks back home

bz weeks for me i would say... wit all da traveling, b'days, karaoke, movies and worse of all, dad's office works!!!!! i know that i should help my dad in his office, but i yet 2 enjoy myself being release from hell back in perth. im back in msia less than a week n i was pushed 2 go office every single day n the worse thing.... facing ARCHITECTURE work!!!!! looking at the drawings and plans make me sick. wart 2 do.. see... im writing this posts n my mom interupt me by telling me to go office early!!!! anyway now, i doing some job for my dad n sort of taking care of the office, its my own good i suppose.. learning something new everyday. listen 2 teongs afew days ago, i cant ignore everything that comes to me, previously it just im affraid of things turns negative way.

from left standing - khou, me, cyap, 45 inch, khong
from left siting - feiling, swoon, feefee

me buddies birthday...... 3 week in a row.... dinner, bbq, karaoke, drinking.... everyone enjoy it but the best thing is having a hole in everyone's pocket, ikeat's (da pinky shirt aka 45 inch) fall on da following day i arive home, feiling's havin bbq n drinking party a week after, n the recent one, feefee.. at her house last 3 days!! drinking at feilings house made me really drunk.. all i remember is that 6 of us keep on drinkin till the sun rise, i was 'gone' around 3 n was half a sleep, all of a sudden some ppl drag me down on the floor was dancing on me... i know who u are...

on 25 june, i took the same flight to penang with brother josh... ahahah, he just arived at the airport from perth n i aranged the same flight wit him.. if i not mistaken, MH 1194 at 2350.. haiz as usual, i was late to the airport, no one can send me, so i took da bloody ktm at 9.45pm from klang station after a long dinner wit my parents. it already took me 30 minutes to get to subang n if i still want to get 2 kl it will take me another 30 min, after that need 2 take kl express to klia... n it will take another me 20 - 30 min from kl... har... if i follow that, i end up miss da flight. so i risk myself getting out the train from subang to find a taxi,... thank god, i found one n he willing to send me 2 the airport in 30 min... but hav 2 pay 55ringgit la.. this time, i not rushing to check in, but rushing to get my ticket from the ticket office... i got down 2 the airport at 11... ran like a mad cow 2 get my ticket n check in... paisei, josh was waiting for a long time at the boarding gate...

finally i went in to da boarding gate.... saw josh long standing uncomfy...screamin for help.. cos of the heat... ahhaahah it was almost -0 celcius back in perth while in kl...30++ anyway we still got 30 mins before the plane take off... so we ran n buy godiva chocolates 4 da ppl that i gonna so call 'visit'... while waiting for the malay gal 2 finish the wrapin... i just remember that i got a invitation 2 da golden lounge.... 15 min 2 go... ask josh 2 wait for da gal while i ran over 2 see what can i grab from da lounge... 4 coke n handfull of mas peanuts packets manage to follow me... ahaha dint use the invatation, a bit wasting, after all i pay so much for da ticket.... 5 minutes 2 go... met josh up... n we ran for departure... josh nag me for draging him 2 be late n it was his 1st time....ahahah 2 vvips finally on board...

cherry dun even know where is da best place 2 eat!! josh knows everythin.. har.. sipeh gau!! eat till u fat la

in penang, josh all the while staying wit me at the hotel (got house also dunt want 2 go back), gurney hotel n Crown prince hotel.. while cherry try 2 sneak in 2 join us.. just 4 a day.... josh was my tour guide, bringin me 2 places n huntin 4 good food... cherry was so blur wit da roads that she even forgot the way home... cherry said josh is a better 'tour guide' than her as she's not familiar with good eating places and tourist spots. shes more of a tourist instead..

anyway im kinda lazy 2 write more... so im gonna cut n paste cherry's 2 mine... hehehe plagiarism ..

choonwee (thats me) mentioned about the 'Khoo Kongsi' in Penang as he read through the Penang tourist booklet. It is such a famous heritage spot and yet, none of us (the Penangites) had been there nor knowing where it was. I didn't realise there were actually a few 'kongsis' around that area. We went to the other one and realised it was a Yap one instead. :) (every one in klang valley knows khoo kongsi... so memalukan, none of my frens in penang know that place)

kuan yin statue in penang; khoo kongsi... n cherry wit her pakaian beranak!!

i really enjoy myself there...i luv da "pohpia laksa" so much that im thinkin of it now... had my 1st facial treatments at Spring Spirit wit cherry n was relaxing.. luv da beach n da water jet skiin wit josh, miss da chating/ gossip session 2gether...n more.. its rare that 3 of us having so much fun together for 4-5 days straight.. thanks josh n cherry for making my trip a memorable one...

anyway, every happy time have 2 come to its end...josh leavin 4 newyork n cherry 2 genting.. leavin me alone 2 explore the city 4 da last time.. walking round n round from 7.30 am till 11.30... while waiting 4 my flight in da afternoon... i forget 2 tell u guys that i walk pass penang's state yang di petua n his ppl in da airport... staring each other....ahahhaha

hanseng n i standing at boat quay spore wit cbd skyscraper behind... marche spore.. the food is good!!

after penang... i planned a driving expedition 2 singapore, kedah n terengganu.. all of a sudden i drove 2 johore on july 16 saturday noon without preparing n telling my parents, can say i purposely go down 2 visit my fren hanseng.. we walked 2 singapore n back just 2 have our dinner in Marche.. its lots better than the one in the curve damansara.... cos they serve pork!! i drove home few hours after the dinner, its like driving to and back for 6 hours n stay in spore for just 5 hours...!!! reach home at 5 in the morning... during that journey, i almost have a crash on a huge plastic or fiber glass thingi left on the middle of the road on federal highway in shah alam... was drivin 160 while rubbing my tired eyes... when it get near n i saw it n i turn my steering hard n my car almost lose control... luckily no cars beside me or else...... a lot of ppl including hanseng, ask me y i dun stay 4 a night... the reason is that i promised wanted 2 bring my 'used 2 be' fren from penang whom is visitin KL for a dinner.. end up tak jadi...i risk my life driving in dark for hours n travel more than 300 km that night just wanted 2 have a dinner wit him...but..... sad i would say... im asking every one who read this... it is worth it 2 risk jsut 4 a fren that dont treat u as a fren?

cherry and her mom came down 2 kl as well... they missed da pulau ketam trip... but they tried klang's famous bak kut tea...eheheh... they luv it.. 3 person havin 5 bowls of meat.... went 2 sunway lagoon...just da 3 of wasnt that fun that it used 2 be... maybe we r already grown up... kenneth came down 2 kl as well at that time.. went 2 clubing wit my buddies n him at thai club... enjoyed dat night... talkin about clubing... y always go to thai club?? this hol went there 3 times... n always end up at thai after seachin for a new place... "rum jungle's music seriously sound like jungle" kok hau said.. if i not forgoten ....'daylight come n we wanna go home'... familiar? ahahah... anyway, the Loft beside sharaton is a high end place... heard lot of ppl said it's good n lots of chio gals... but that day, our spy went up and check... apek n aunty all around...

neoprint..took during my 2nd time in penang.. cherry's wish had came true, she always wanted that 4 of us to take this print, but i wonder, will this be the 1st n the last print 4 of us took...

alor star tower behind...penang bridge ahead after drivin from alor star

too bored driving alone... play wit my camera... ; my escort... from penang 2 kuala kangsar

madam chin hus can be seen on da billboard, this is the place where madam chin stays,... ; georgetown

my fav... pohpia asam laksa... ;on my journey 2 johore n penang...pass by this site where the bridge collapes klang part of nkve

as what i promised myself, i drove alone to kedah to visit my retired high school teacher jasmine chin, but 1 day before that i stop by in penang, again to visit my frens...bringin along cherry's fav bak kut teh for her family n josh. that bak kut teh shop open around 6pm, n i drove up at around 6.30pm reached penang bridge at around 9.45pm, the reason i drove fast is that i wanted 2 send da dishes warm to them.. ahaha... while drivin in bukit merah..i was shocked after my car rammed pass under a huge piece of plastic... looks like a part of bumper... damm.. f$#k..this is not da 1st time i been tru this, those things left on da road can cause accident, wart 2 do.. ppl nowadays so tak bertanggung jawab.. ,anyhow plz plz dun drive vehicles that are older than u where parts r begining 2 fall off as well as when u realise ur bumper r dropin n check ur car before u drive on da highway, dun just think about ur safety on da road, think of others as well.

just for fun nia..... bored drivin alone

a lot of ppl askin me back 2 perth early... ya, got my air ticket book on da 30th, 2 days b4 the class starts... rare case for me, usually i dun go back that early.....anyway postpone again 2 da 2nd aug.... thz 2 jwei!!!... suppose 2 go to Pulau Lang Tengah. terenganu on 15 july wit da 'gang' ..then postpone 2 next week...after that, all of the sudden jwei just remembered that it is his bro's b'day next week, postpone again 2 da week after... so obviously i cant go wit them, have leave msia.... but kena persuade kau kau... till i agreed... now have 2 reissue my ticket...somemore kena penalty.... wart 2 do... i senang kasi ppl convince

just arived... group photo...; makeup..

damm enjoying....

kuala terengganu china town... chinese shop but all malay!! ; tired lookin

so on da trip we started the journey on friday morning... 1.20 am!!! reached kuantan at 5am n to merang jetty just 30km north of kuala terengganu at 9am... that was my worse road journey in my life!! using kampong roads from kuantan to merang really give u a gud shake, no one can sleep well in da car, end up everyone make jokes n had 'debate'.... a ferry took us to da small island with only with 4 resort. we stayed on blue coral where we are the only local tourist, others were ang mohs and some stupid arabians. talking about arabians it remind me of cherry... she call them black wantan...imagine how they swim wit their outfit on!!! anyway all of us enjoy da trip, expecially da strip chor tai tee that the 4 guys played including me, as well as the disco night out in one of the other resort - 6 of us made da pub/disco more happening!! dancing wit aunty aunty in their 40-50++ singing loudly, invitin other to da dance floor... overall ok lah... but im quite disappointed wit the corals..not as good as tioman.. we rushed back home on sunday, it was my moms b'day, so sorry made u guys left that island so early, need to celebrate wit my mom la...eheheh

on tuesday i left msia alone... bringin back good memories n disappointment that i had from a fren... i always wish, that wouldnt happen 3 months back... haiz... oh ya... dun fly on mas biz class in da mornin flight... da food sucksz..... thats how i end my 6 weeks holiday back in malaysia

my last few hours at home...

tooo tired... can even open my eyes.. need help!!! on da flight.. nasi lemak for breakfast.. damm little.. ask 4 more.. give even less


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