ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Monday, March 06, 2006

my 3 months holz

Finally bak in Perth... just bloody bored and hot!! just dont get it how the hell those aussie can stand on da weather..37++ Celsius whooh.. im sweatin everywhere i go, even in my own room!! thz to the poor insulation on my house n my landlord for not installing air conditional. Anyway it’s been a long time I haven’t update my blog, this time I’m just going to summarize what I have been doing the past 4 months... yupz.. Right b4 i started my holidays, i celebrated my 21st birthday on 22nd October in a restaurant in Northbridge, about 30 good friends and classmates attended tat night, almost everyone r drunk... I think I’m the worse 1… Oh ya before I forgot, some of colleague throws me a surprise party at lings place on da 20th. Tat was the coolest present I received from my friends, thz again for the i-trigue speakers’ n da cake!!

(left 2 right) vinc, thom, colin, joe , teong n me; stop pinchin my nipples!! ; friendship 4ever

(left 2 right) ivan,arron, me, wing, leong, kit, colin, silim; 3 archi queen, ling jenn n jess

(left 2 right) group photo... all r my classmates n housemate ; very funny joe...

(left 2 right) jessie, ling, leesian, sulini n angeline; just a random pic..thz for a hand on my chair!!


Exams over on da 18 Nov 2005, departed 4 kl on da next day, to unload all my dirty clothing tat I dint wash for 2 weeks for my lovely maid, eheheh I always do tat when I going home, wats the point of having a maid if we don’t give them work to do!! 2 days later, 21 nov, im on my way to london!! Not as a tourist but a delivery man. Loading stuff from friends n relative to send over to UK, lol.. Anyway I’m willing n happy to help them.

(left 2 right) cotton candy!! winter clouds.; arived at london heathrow terminal 3

Before I continue on, some of my friend asks me why visiting Europe again? “Why not visit other places, since you visited Europe last year (late 04)” The reason I gave them was to visit my friends and cousin in UK, yeah tat was part of it, but at that time the main reason… I kept it secret. Actually, the purpose of this trip is to visit my friend who lives in Germany and to find out more information from her on what had happened between me and my pg friend where both of us involve in a misunderstanding or conflict tat lasted for months. i was told that she know everything, but.... anyway u will know why when u read the germany part of this post!!

(left 2 right) supper prepare by my fren... instant noodle + luncheon meat , ya tats the way u treat ur ; Trafalgar square

Arrived at London wit more than 5 piece of luggage n no one picking me up at the airport… wtf?? How can one handle all these on da tube or coach? An expensive solution will help, all you need is to have 50 pound (330 ringgit) and the taxi driver will drive you to central London, to be more specific, Tottenham court where my friend stay. His apartment looks bloody old n creepy as if im back in First World War era, but the location of it is superb. Anyway I had explained about London on my previous post last 2 years, basically it’s still the same, even after the underground and the bus bombing incident. This time in London, I experience something new where no tourist will do…. cycling in central London! Just imagine, the streets r always busy and chaotic, no special lane for bikes and every vehicles drive closely to each other plus no one cares about anything, if someone have no experience in cycling in London like me, I bet your gonna scare to death

The usual me, always hunting for good food... London cuisine offers a world of choice… from Japanese lobster sticky rice to weird African @#%$#@ food… lots of choices… oh ya just a q, what do you think of chicken tikka masala? Some of u will think that chicken tikka masala comes from India, obviously its curry, but did anyone know that dish was created in Britain? And it is their national dish!! Every English man loves it … I wonder y? Nothing special, for me it’s more like chicken dipping into sweet rendang sauce. I still prefer our Malaysian curry, rendang and nasi kandar. Lots of restaurant in central London are very very expensive, the most expensive set meal I saw on the menu is about 70 pound per person. (a food sampler, where 10 small dish just enough for a person r serve) Damn.. More than 450 ringgit, for that price I can pay for a table wit shark fins, abalone n seafood for 10pax in local Chinese restaurant.

(left 2 right) theres even tiny flower petals on tat sashimi plate... my grilled salmon n grilled Scallop, they gave me one piece extra after I complained for their dishes being slow

Anyway my friend and I decided to dine in tat Japanese restaurant, which was infested wit business man n rich Londoners, we actually felt odd dinning in there, wat do u think of 2 young boys casually dressed surrounded by professionaly dress ang mohs? Weird? We chose the ala-carte dishes, which r cheap compare to that set meal, but every dish turn up to be like an art piece on a plate, everything is sooo small.. wtf.. Another thing is, those ppl in the kitchen taking a long time to prepare the dishes. I was sitting on kitchen bar where diners can view how they prepare the food, I can’t believed that on one… yes… 1 dish, they took more than 15 minutes to decorate, Stupid… It took us 1 sec to destroy it. Tat nights meal cost us more than 80 pounds, n we were still hungry. End up cooking indo mee at home, no more 2nd time at tat place.. sorry for not posting the name of tat restaurant, i forgot seriously, no point to remember

food decorators

Stockholm Scandinavia
3 days

(left 2 right) ryan air, cheap airline... worse than airasia, but the plane i boarded r new; stockholm at night

Stockholm Sweden, the north most city I ever visited, a place that I will always remember, its hospitality, stunning architecture n design, beautiful city view n most of all, tall blonde Scandinavian chicks!!. For me, it’s a very different city or country compare to other Europe cities. It’s hard to explain until u see it urself. The city comprises of fourteen islands and it has a population of 743.000. wah.. tats a quarter of perth city!! Obviously the lifestyle over there is so much slower than perth. Nothin much to do... just keep ourselves bz by hanging around everyday at Gamla Stan – the old island city of stockholm, other good places to visit is the stockholm icebar and the grand palace. On the last day, we were straying around for hour’s b4 we decide to go for a cruise, cruising around the city islands.

(left 2 right) can u guess wart size is this? n who do u think can fit those? gamla stan shops ; the hostel

city of stockholm

It’s a great city to visit if you don’t afraid of boredom. The 1st night we eventually stay in a hostel accommodation, I bet u will think that hostel looks like an old crappy apartment. But this time u are wrong, we stayed on a ship! That ship docked on one of the island shore, over viewing Gamla Stan n other historical site. Clean cabin but it’s a bit old. Where else can you find a similar place to stay? it’s awesome. Unforgettable experience

(left 2 right) early mornin on the hostel ; grand palace guard

(left 2 right) ice gallery, gamla stan- replica of ice hotel sweden ; stockholm ice bar

absolut icebar, a cooooool bar to drink vodka, order ur drink n u get it on a ice cup... yes.. 100% ice. u can see the cup on the pic above, yeah im holding one as well. cool har.. before u visit this bar, u gotta book 1st, theres only a few session a day and every session is you are allowed to stay in for 45 minutes and only 20 person per session. we dont know about it until we reach at the reception. it was fully booked that night, we explained that we are leaving the country the next day n asked for just a peep, good enough, he let both of us in for 5 minutes in between the sessions...

Amsterdam Netherlands

(left 2 right) scandinavian airline ; one of the canal in amsterdam

Don’t feel tat I want 2 write much about Amsterdam… schipol airport looks cool 2 me, hanging around after touch down, good crowd, nice bar n most of all great shopping. After all staying in that airport is enough for me. Caught a train to downtown n I was shocked with the surroundings right after I step out of the train station. I never imagined that Amsterdam is so dirty, messy n it stink. I felt that im standing at kota raya back home, wit all the bangla n indo workers straying around wit their gudang garam cigarettes. The trip have to go on even though I don’t like it at all We went to search for hostel to stay, this time all of the hostel located in old crappie unsafe buildings. When we open the doors of every hostel we went, an unpleasant smoke came out, guess wart?? Everyone is smoking weed inside. I told jwei that I can’t stand it anymore, moreover the people looks weird n very disturbing to me. I want to stay in a hotel n don’t want to get involve wit those people. But kena persuade kau kau. Fine, I stay wit him in hostel together wit other 14 people. Most of the occupants are backpackers from uk, purposely to Holland for the weed. They enjoy the feeling of ‘high’ after smoking… n that’s the reason y young people swamp into Holland.
(left 2 right) the lobby of the hostel im staying, people r smoking non stop ; red light district

(left 2 right) See Amsterdam wit a bike; tats me cycling towards the red light district

(left 2 right) Finally I got to taste cheese fondue, not what that I expected; just a pic...
The 2nd day in Amsterdam, after a long cycling tour, I met hazlina n hanno around 4pm at the central train station, they were here to pick me up for Germany. Suppose to arrive around 12pm n go around the city wit them but their train was delayed due to the heavy snowfall. Anyway few days later im back in Amsterdam again, we went for a tour to the country side, visiting the windmill, cheese n clogs factory, fishing village n Old Township. Very different compare to Amsterdam. A lot cleaner

(left 2 right) dinenr wit haz , hanno n jwei in a indo rest amsterdam ; on my way to germany

(left 2 right) clog factory; bet u know wart is this

(left 2 right) windmill ; lookin tired... slept late n woke up early

(left 2 right) cheeeeeeeez ; nothing much 2 do... checkin out whos shoe is cleaner

Koln- Düsseldorf Germany
My visit to Düsseldorf where Hanno n Haz lives is a memorable one. It’s my first time to see n feel snow fall yay!!! . Previously every place I visited during winter, I saw snow on the ground n that’s it. And I felt disappointed every time when I was about to leave those country, to make it worse, the snowfall came right after I left. I was overjoyed after we reach at the train station near Hanno family’s house, playing nonstop wit snow!! Hanno’s dad picked us up at around 11pm that night right after a 3 hours++ long journey. His parents are very nice; they prepare my bed n make sure im comfortable wit everything. They even waited for me for dinner, damm paisey… 11pm onli have dinner together. Roast beef was the main course, 2 bad I can’t take it. I felt very embarrassed, they waited for me for so long and I can’t take the food which his mom cooked.
(left 2 right) outside hanno's house; hanno talking to his parents
I went to haz room for a chat later that night. Oh ya I saw her cat, got skinnier, don’t think so she recognized me. Anyway, we just reviewed on what had happened back in Perth during the past year, and some info about everyone n wats going on back in Perth after she left during mid of last year. Eventually I just found out a some stories (not gossiping) that a lot AMS ppl don’t even know, sad to listen some of it, but wart to do, we still have to face it. About my case, haz did tell me something but she has no idea what actually happen. Im very disappointed, someone told me she knows everything but…. after all my purpose is to find out why, seems to be a secret that no one knows. The truth will never reveal. Wouldn’t want 2 write much about it this time, will just keep everything I got it by myself.

(clockwise left 2 right) city of koln from the roof top; chrismas market from the top; snowing very heavily ; whats next? grill cheese?
The next day, felt better after the long talk. It was very nice of hanno’s mom to prepare breakfast, gave me different cheese to try as well as some tips on it. She even pack a cheese cake and some mandarins for my train journey later. How sweet. We left home and head to Köln that morning, passing by farms and huge field that covered wit snow. The scene is so….beautiful. oh ya hanno’s house located in a farm area, that’s y can see all these beautiful spot. It was a wonderful experience to live in the house and his family even though it’s only a night. We went to a cathedral in Köln, forgotten the name already, but it is the city’s main tourist attraction. One can climb up to the top of the roof n have a good view of the city. While on the roof, I spotted my favorite event of the year, the Christmas market. Lots of good food, we keep on eating even we were full. Just love the German sausage wit curry sauce, deep fry fish German style, baked potatoes wit bacon n sour cream and more… n my favorite drink, hot wine punch. It was an exciting day for me, n it snow heavily. My last Christmas market spree was in Prague during 2004, while during my stay in Stockholm n Amsterdam, I can’t find any market of this kind. Maybe it’s not their tradition. I left Germany on the same day to return to Amsterdam. Felt heavy hearted to leave my friends n the place, don’t know when I will return. Anyway thanks to them for having me during my stay… all the best to both of u

(left 2 right) melted cheese yum.... ; bbq german style; waiting for my train, after lots of shopping

Reached London from Amsterdam around 2am, slept for few hours n im on my way to Leeds on that afternoon by train. No time to have a proper meal, always on the rush. Arrived at Leeds around 5 and no one pick me up again, this time imkeat was having a meeting wit his lecturer, so it’s ok, forgive him this time. It’s been a long time since I last saw him. This time he became fatter, lol. Stayed wit him for 2 nights, nothing much to do at his place, it just a small city and its worse than Perth. No proper Chinatown, no cafes at night, no karaoke… n lots more la. Feel so lucky to stay in Perth right now
(left 2 right) me n imkeat, wit a funny man wit ; seak chiew, my cousin
Continue my delivery to Newcastle, another 3 ++ hours from Leeds on train, at least my cousin came n pick me up, good on ya! His mom asked me to check whether his ok in Newcastle. Yeah basically he’s ok, it just he’s staying wit all ang mohs tat r noisy in his flat. We visited some famous site in Newcastle, like the river quay and the millennium bridge. The bridge n river view is just spectacular.
(left 2 right) riverside quay, and the millennium bridge behind; newcastle at night

Back in London again a few days later, im taking part wit other fellow Londoners for my fav sport event….. Shopping!!! Shopping is crazy down oxford road everyday especially on Sunday. Maybe it’s because of Christmas season, where everyone rushing to buy presents for their love one. Oxford road was jam packed wit shoppers, can u just imagine, the shopping strip is a couple of kilometer long n either end of the road was crowded. How many shoppers are there? My last day in London, I was still on the race, even the very last minute, knew that I was late for a dinner and my friends are waiting, I cant be bother to walk on the pedestrian walk, over crowded (its like wart u use on cars, bumper 2 bumper) the only option is to ran on the roads together wit cars. Before going to the airport, I manage to get my hair cut in Chinatown n a quick dinner wit my friends. 2 many luggage to bring back, jwei n i cant even carry everything, taxi again.. no choice. at lease he send me to the airport, not bad.. lol.. checked in everything n rushed in for my last duty free shopping,.... again i was the bloody last person who broad the aircraft, anyway thats the privilege of business class passenger ....hehe
(left 2 right) godiva shop, the choco dip is just to pretty to eat; my new hair cut!!

my 21th b'day in msia
Celebrate my 21st the second time, this time back in msia… purposely go back early from London to arrange this, bad timing to have a dinner party, thz to those married couples who conquer every restaurants in klang . My mom was bz helping me booking one month b4, but all fully booked. Since there is no place to celebrate, my parents tot im gonna postpone the dinner two weeks later after I arrive back from London. The funny part was, i dint tell them about postponing, they just happily booked a trip with their friends to Thailand without telling me. After all the dinner have to go on even thou my parents are not around, some of my friends flew and travel all the way from the northern and southern states, so it’s a bit difficult for them to change. Celebrated again for the 3rd time with family n relatives’ weeks later… so troublesome. Tat night’s itinerary - dinner at royal klang club and drinking session at KL Hilton’s zeta bar

(left 2 right) ivan,cherry,josh n jessie who just came bak from perth ; kai,kai sou, kwan, jb aircon king's son - bro seng, chun man

(left 2 right) my best housemates bak in perth... wheres tat miss brunei alicia? ffk... ; my best Colleague wing n ling wit big ann n wing's koala

(left 2 right) ah seng...; my buddies, the whole gang was there except ikeat... stuck in leeds

(left 2 right) seng's 1st time smile infront of a camera ; group pic

Zeta at KL Hilton...

(left 2 right) big ann seems to be so excited to drink, hpin keep on yamseng wit everyone ; almost there... i mean drunk, jwei me khau pin fee n swoon... everyone enjoyed that night

concerts n showcase
Another reason to get back early to kl from Europe was because of Mayday’s Final Home concert. Supposing the concert should be held during December but organizers postpone it to January. Quite a number of friends went, but none of them were with me on the VIP rock zone which located right in front of the stage. Swoon n her cousin sat way up on the stadium seats, ken n my brother’s friends were standing on the side zone and Kenneth, my high school junior seating with his family on the VIP seats.
swoon n her couz waving wit the light stick
I finally got to see the members of the band in person after being their fans for several years. The concert rocks and everyone was so ‘high’... we jump, we shout, we sing, we wave, totally out of control, everyone is part of the concert, good thing that I purchase the vip rock zone, had an awesome experience + close to the stage n good view… they even sang my fav song on that night, 志明与春娇, I recorded it down on my camera, I will try to put in on this blog later on.

Few weeks later, I got tickets to watch kenji 吴克群 at one utama, sang quite a number of songs which include his old and new. Had his new n old album sign and chatted wit me for a while about getting his signature album back to Australia. Just a handful of people queuing for his signature on tat day. He’s a friendly fella, he wanted to chat longer wit me but organizers drag me away. Wtf. Anyway If I know him personally, I will get some benefits….. Like getting free cds… lol

Travel to Bangkok wit my family and friends during Chinese New Year, nothing much to do but just shopping. I met up wit my Thai friend Bass downtown and we went to a club, it was huge, nicely decorated, free internet (using mac pc), cheap drinks and a great crowd, youngster mostly. Unlike in KL, where u have ah bengs n uncles all around. Few days later, none of my family members want to explore the old city of Bangkok with me, (they been there b4) they visit the safari wit their friends without me. I continue with my plan, visiting the grand palace, touring the rivers, visit Chinatown n red light district.

s'pore - batam -s'pore - jb -s'pore
a short trip, just to visit cherry in sg n hanseng in jb

batam island... a very ulu place
in cherry's apartment...

Im kinda missed London right now, even thou my 2nd time there in about a year I found a bit sian, revisit every famous sites eg: London bridge, big Ben, Buckingham palace etc... Maybe is just because tat at this time im too bored back in Perth, nothing to do… I missed the late night shopping at tesco express down stairs, getting anything I want at night, really missed walking thru the huge 24 hour crowd at oxford street, soho n Piccadilly Circus as well. I don’t feel lonely walking everyday alone (when my friend was still on bed) down the streets of London, there’s a lot to see, smell n touch + buy!!. Well, Londoners favorite pastime is shopping, how about Perth folks? Sleeping or maybe rotting I suppose
thank u people!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Before I forgot, thz to my frens that continuous supporting me, really appreciate their effort and care during my down days a few weeks ago, cant imagine some people tend to give up their work and wanted to comfort me. The night at Shelley Bridge was scary. The endless time u guys spend, advice and encouragement u guys gave me will be treasured n remembered till my end of my life. oh ya my furniture, I still cant believed it went to the finals, fingers cross hope it will make it 2 Milan. Without u people, the furniture wont be there in da archi exhibition + into the final stage of the short listing... im very proud of u and my buddies out there...I can say, its not only my effort to make this, but all of u -


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