ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Monday, June 12, 2006

singin in gov function

tats me, one of the six leading the crowd in Ngaraku

It’s my very 1st time singing out loud in front of public; moreover it was a government function (celebrating Agong’s Birthday in perth). Luckily it was not only me who’s singing, but together with ian, everlyn, pat n 2 fellow Malaysian. We sang Negaraku and Jalur gemilang on that day, infront of tat hall, where hundreds of unknown people staring at us. it just funny tat all of us haven’t heard of the song ‘Jalur Gemilang’, some of us just pretend to sing, while some of us sang it wrongly, even we have the lyrics on our hand. Almost burst into laughter when some of us n i made mistake.

(left to right) tats the time ian n i was giggling while i sang wrongly, how embarrassing... me, evan, gallen, everlyn

(left to right) weiying n pat, our beloved masca secretary, wat is gallen looking at??


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