ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Friday, October 08, 2004

High Class Pasar malam

8 Oct 2004

Multicultural week in Curtin University
Every year international student (especially Malaysians lah) looking forward for this day to come, basically can get all the pasar snack lah, from satay to muachi and cendol to rojak. All together 45 stalls, which half are operated by local restaurants, the other half operated by Curtin students. The food taste.... boleh tahan lah... the price...wahlan!!! Damn expensive leh... 1 stick of satay = 1 Australian $ (2.80 ringgit) but ppl still buying it... n da queue for it was damm long!! The students also trying to rip us off!! Selling red bean soup $1.80 for a small tube.... I can buy a bag of red bean for that price n cook, enough for more than 10 people...

da architects at pasar


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