ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Monday, August 07, 2006

What a break!!!! (part one) 35%

It’s been a tiring semester break for me… especially thru the end of it. Before I started my journey to Melbourne, I spent most of my time shopping and handling some of my parent’s job in downtown KL. Almost everyday I drove up and down, from Klang and KL. I spent more time staying in the car then staying at home…especially when it comes to traffic congestion. The worse jam I accrued was from KLCC towards Jalan Sultan Ismail (less than 2km) on Jalan Ampang. Avoid tat road during rush hour on weekdays!! I was stuck for almost 45 minutes.

During the jam, one rude motorist from the other side of the road threw something on my windscreen while my car is moving. I dint notice what was it, because it just roll up in seconds to the car roof from the windscreen. Well I can’t be bother knowing what was that, and tot it might drop down to the ground. When I stopped my car during the jam, a Chinese driver in his late 20 who stopped beside me was pointing on my car roof, and he seems like telling something to my friend who sits beside me. So, both of them wind down the window. At first I heard he was asking about Caltax, but I was wrong. He was asking, did we leave something on our car roof and it’s a box of KOTEX, four of us in the car were puzzled. And I ask my friends did they left a box of TISSUE box on top (everyone even the gals sitting behind tot it’s a tissue box,) … everyone seems to shake their head, well, imkeat reply no to tat nice driver, tat driver reply in mandarin ‘if its not yours, its ok… don’t worry about it’. Everyone in the car is questioning who left it and did we see it prior entering the car. Well to find what’s on, I open my sun roof and was shock to see….a box of SANITARY PAD …… what on earth is tat thing doing on my roof!!! look at the picture bellow

Everyone seems laugh about it, n was asking whether it’s a used one or not.. I took another look from my sun roof; it seems to be an old package n unopened. Feiling was telling us, if tat thing used, its heavy.. If not, very light… lol… anyway, we notice some people around our car was looking weirdly at us, thanks to the person who threw it on my car… well im have no comment on tat, leave it 2 u guys, what will u think when some childish people throw something WEIRD on your car or you?? Thanks to the Chinese driver who told us about it… at least there are some good people around. Oh ya… what happen to tat package… it dropped when I speed

i pass this billboard before the traffic jam… 94 apartments with 95 pools… how stupid is tat, well no offence, I think it wont work in Malaysia, y?

1. In most apartments in msia, maintenance is always the problem. My parents own a studio unit in one of the expensive condominium at KLCC (rented out), maintenance fee are expensive, n service is bad. eg, building paint fades, swimming pool toilet… like public toilet, webs n insects all around n things around getting old n broken. So what will the 95 apartment wit 95 pool building will look like after 5 years?? Algae growing all around? N how much will u pay for the maintenance service?

2. Some floors might get flooded, if design n constructions of the building are not carefully done. I visited a few units of empty pent house on a condominium in klang, it was completed long b4 my visit. I had a rude shock, all of them r flooded. they looks like haunted creepy old house, dark and cold, water dripping from the ceiling n insects r all around. I went up to the roof n notice there’s a pool located on the roof of every unit. That’s the reason y those unit are flooded with water. Out of the 8 pent houses on tat block only one is occupied. The rest, left to rot, no one cares to fix or clean… the units doors are just left open, and some don’t even have a door. Imagine every floor flooded wit water!! Sounds like a water tower 2 me

3. As what ling told me… waste of sources.

4. How much $ Malaysian willing to pay for that?? 2 mil?

5. If all 94 apartments have their own pool, y do they need the 95th pool.. (checkin out some opposite sex or the same sex neighbors??)

6. Monsoon season, storm + wind……end up wit a mini tsunami pouring into apartments

7. No privacy at all!! Perverts from the opposite building might check u out (while u r swimming) with their hi-tech binoculars

if they really goin 2 build tat apartment… the office workers working in towers surrounding will be having a good time … i might move my office around there in the future :P


Well about KL again.. I am sick about driving during office hours so I left my car in KL plaza; I decided to take the monorail from bukit bintang station to jalan imbi. I knew tat both places are walking distance, but to save time, I took the monorail. One way RM 1.20 for a journey less than 1km.. What a rip off. While boarding into the train, i notice passengers begun to queue up beside the side barrier and there are security guards asking people to queue up, at least now they have a system similar to Spore’s MRT n Taipei Metro…had a good impression on it but dint last long… when the train arrived, the passengers who are queuing, supposed to give way to those who getting out from the train but they rushed n pushed in n those trying to go out stuck inside. What’s the point of queuing up where there’s no difference previously. I pity the guard outside, screaming at the top of his voice... asking people to slow down…. At that point I was standing at the back n observe all their actions…well guess what, in japan, usually can notice when a train is over crowded, train guard will help to push every passenger in to the sardined car until they manage to close the door. This time no need 2 travel so far for that, i seen it in msia… the train r full n might as well catch another train but the guard told us...'boleh masuk, boleh boleh....' the guards pushed everyone, including me... even its over crowded, see the pic bellow....

u know la... KL is so hot n humid... i can smell all the bau (odour) ketiak of the passengers sandwished around me.... theres no level of comfort on public transport in malaysia. plz lah limit the amount of passengers on a train car, u know all of us pay the same fare, its basicaly for our safety n comfort... lazy to talk about it anymore la... next

Look n spot the difference

answer - tat fella wit the dark shades.... it seems everyone was there!!

My 1st n the last clubbing while im holidaying in msia this break. No one really wanted to go again the week after that. Well, when they plan to go, im always not around. Tat night was awesome, even thou its over crowded. Everyone was ‘High’ from the beginning to the end of the party. All of us went, except cyap… n jwei … rotting in London I guess.

happy -> enjoy -> High -> drunk -> dead


  • When he told me he was writing abt an apartment with 95 swimming pools..i thought he was joking..not until i saw the picture..damn.."jaw dropped "HOW COOL IS THAT? sacarsm..most is just stupid...and should not be called work of architecture..or any architect who thinks of that....i wondeer....
    Oh well..on the opposite hand..i am somehow impressed...That it actually happening in a country like have such a high construction techno...As a malaysian..i should give my support.Malaysia Boleh wat

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 08, 2006 1:21:00 am  

  • Hey, i found that You are so negative about malaysia current situation..arent there Good things to talk abt?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 08, 2006 1:22:00 am  

  • Chewy! Well said man!! The ketiak part was so funny man. AHAHHAHAH

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:38:00 pm  

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