ArChiTeCt'S LIFE....

Friday, November 12, 2004

Architecture Exhibition

10 october

so many ppl!!! (click 2 enlarge)

Every year, end of 2nd semester, the school will hold an exhibition night for architecture students, every one is invited; architects, builders and ppl involve with building industry around Perth will attend this function. Its a big function for all of us... free alcoholic drinks n food are serve... so basically can see ppl coming for the beer n wine n not for the exhibition. This year half of the crowd which I think not related wit us just stopping by to enjoy. When I was serving food tat night, I heard 1 of da oz said... "This is good stuff man...." he meant on da food n beer and not on da students work. We need people to appreciate our work and not the beers. Anyway it’s a big success; about 1000 ppl attended this exhibition in just few hours. I’m glad that some of my friends came down to see my work and gave me support.

My work - sorrento Surf life saving club

(click 2 enlarge)

waiter of for day

ppl appreciatin my work ahaha ----------2nd years
(click 2 enlarge)
(click 2 enlarge)

during da exhibition ----------------------senior's work (click 2 enlarge)
(click 2 enlarge)


  • the exhibition looks like it rocks~ too bad i wasnt there~ kekekee~ then could've tortured the so-called "waiter-of-the-day"~ hahah =) enjoy your hollidays yeah~ -_- *still has one more paper to go*

    By Blogger pakguard, at Friday, November 19, 2004 10:28:00 pm  

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